[Graphique] : carte de la censure internet par pays. La France est bien un phare

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[Graphique] : carte de la censure internet par pays. La France est bien un phare

Publié le 30 mai 2014
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Une carte et un article à consulter sur wikipédia


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  • Je ne comprends pas de quelle censure il s’agit, concernant la France. Les opinons islamo-homo-judéophobes ? Dans ce cas, j’y vois plutôt une autocensure partielle, consécutive à des lois absurdes. Pour qu’une opinion soit censurée au sens strict du terme sur le Net, il faut qu’elle soit d’abord exprimée, puis annulée, voire punie.

    À part ça, je ne vois pas bien.

  • WIKI:
    Listed as no evidence in the political, social, conflict/security, and Internet tools areas by ONI in November 2010.[5]
    Listed as Under Surveillance by RWB in 2011.[2]
    France continues to promote freedom of the press and speech online by allowing unfiltered access to most content, apart from limited filtering of child pornography and web sites that promote terrorism, or racial violence and hatred. The French government has undertaken numerous measures to protect the rights of Internet users, including the passage of the Loi pour la Confiance dans l’Économie Numérique (LCEN, Law for Trust in the Digital Economy) in 2004. However, the passage of a new copyright law threatening to ban users from the Internet upon their third violation has drawn much criticism from privacy advocates as well as the European Union (EU) parliament.[158]
    With the implementation of the « three-strikes » legislation and a law providing for the administrative filtering of the web and the defense of a « civilized » Internet, 2010 was a difficult year for Internet freedom in France. The offices of several online media firms and their journalists were targeted for break-ins and court summons and pressured to identify their sources. As a result, France has been added to the Reporters Without Borders list of « Countries Under Surveillance ».[159]
    A June 2011 draft executive order implementing Article 18[160] of the Law for Trust in the Digital Economy (LCEN) would give several French government ministries[161] the power to restrict online content “in case of violation, or where there is a serious risk of violation, of the maintenance of public order, the protection of minors, the protection of public health, the preservation of interests of the national defense, or the protection of physical persons.”[162] According to Félix Tréguer, a Policy and Legal Analyst for the digital rights advocacy group La Quadrature du Net, this is « a censorship power over the Internet that is probably unrivaled in the democratic world. »[163] In response to criticism, on 23 June 2011 the minister for the Industry and the Digital economy, Éric Besson, announced that the Government would rewrite the order, possibly calling for a judge to review the legality of the content and the proportionality of the measures to be taken. Any executive order has to be approved by the French Council of State, which will have to decide whether Internet censorship authorization can be extended to such an extent by a mere executive order. It has also been suggested that, because e-commerce legislation is to be harmonized within the European Union, the draft should be reviewed by the European Commission.

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